Thursday, 6 March 2014

Lesson 2b - Quick note: the labels

I realised my blog instructions were not appropriate. In my instructions for Assignment 1 I advised:
"Please label your introduction "Introduction""

"Label" needs some explanation: It is not the title of the story but a tag used to identify similar posts, stories connected together by some criteria.
You can see the given labels below the post
You can get the idea behind labelling on top right of our blog: labels are used to create links to filter certain kind of stories. So far we use Assignment, Lesson and Introduction for introductions of course participants.

Labels are like hash tags on Twitter!

Screenshot: Quick Links on our blog
How to add labels?
When you edit your story, you can add labels clicking on "Labels" under the title Post Settings. You can click required labels below the input box, or create new ones by typing them in the box. Remember to separate the labels by commas.

Here you choose labels and create new ones!

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