Course instructions

On this page you can find all the emails sent by the teachers of the course in one place.

June 6

Dear all

Antti has registered the marks! TAMK students and exchange students can check their result on Winha-registry, and the Romanian students will be separately notified.

Some students failed to complete the course so far but they can agree with Antti how to complete. My contract with TAMK has expired so I only say thanks a lot.

I’m quite greedy with 5, the best mark. When I saw the list of marks proposed by Antti my first reaction was that he is sloppy with the best marks, 5 and 4. But he was right with the assessments.

On this course 6/25 students got 5 and 8/25 student got 4. Exceptionally hard working students with high quality output on this course I must say! It was a pleasure to see students learning and enjoying it.

Five students got the good mark 3 and one the satisfactory mark 2.

Also the share of students who failed so far is exceptionally high for courses I have run; 5/25. I admit that the workload of this course is rather high, and some students were not lucky with the schedules, having simultaneous demanding projects. But the results can be improved with Antti.

Hope you all recognised how much potential teams have when including members with different backgrounds and skill sets. It was demanding to get the teams working at first, but very rewarding in the end.

I thank you and wish you all the best!


May 23

Very nice to follow the progress of this course!

The final things to do:

Team feedback for project two (some have already started!) See:

General feedback:

Activity report. Antti will send you a form soon.

Check you have done everything:

Have a nice weekend!

May 15th
Only two weeks to go! And less than one week to the second project deadline!

Many students are doing very well, but many are in danger. Antti has followed closely how the teams work based on Google Drive and Groups activity and this is what he says:

  • Team Austria looks very good, all members active.
  • Team Ireland looks promising, but needs to start the final effort. One member seems to have dropped out but has still the chance to join the team.
  • Team United Kingdom looks promising, but needs to start the final effort. One member very active. One member seems to have dropped out but has still the chance to join the team.
  • Team Finland looks promising, but needs to start the final effort. One member very active. One member seems to have dropped out but has still the chance to join the team.ere's
  • Team Spain looks miserable. Some input from two members. Others muted. OK, there is some activity on Twitter, but the report for this project can't be based on some tweets.

So now is the time also for deadline driven folks to join the project!

Next Wednesday you will have the final tasks, all about feedback. Individual feedback will be required, but you will also do peer feedback on the blog as comments to the research projects:

  • Team Austria will assess team Spain report, 
  • team Ireland will give feedback to team Austria, 
  • team UK will share their thoughts about team Ireland's effort, 
  • team Finland will do an evaluation of the outcome made by team UK and 
  • team Spain will make their review of the report produced by the Finland team.

There's one week for the feedback, but the time will be less if reports not published by deadline. But they will be there by deadline!

Best wishes

Antti and Cai

May 6th

I wish all 2nd team research project teams are ready to run, because tonight there's a lot of excellent research material on-line, and the buzz will continue all week!

Now it is time to have one more look on the brief of the research project, it helps you to finish a report meeting the expectations of the professors of this course by May 21 (yes, time runs fast these days!)
The brief

It is also a good idea to again check the blog page with the list of tasks if you are not sure you have done everything:

Please remember that after the Eurovision final next Saturday you have only one week and a half to complete your research project and publish the results on Wednesday May 21st!

For those of you, who wish to get some inspiration I share some resources below. There has been some serious research on Eurovision, two examples:
1. Last year there was an academic conference in Malmö while the Eurovision was there.
Here's the press release
And here's the booklet with abstracts
2. Eurovision research network

April 30th
Just a short notice to tell you I'm a little bit worried about the present situation: it seems all students are not aware of the Easter break being behind!

You have the last major effort going on, and all students should be busy with it now. Your research project describes a process. You should have your research plan ready now and monitor your research objects: the first semifinal is already next Tuesday.

Also please read again the brief of the second research project. It is really a collaborative team project. You are of course allowed to do some division of labour, but you can't do this as separate individual projects you merge on one page at the end. At least the planning and conclusions must be result of your thinking together.

Three new lessons have been published on the blog this week. Also please check to see if you have something undone. Individual tasks can be still completed. (But if you fail to join your team now you are looking for worries ;-)

April 15th
1. About comments and feedback
I'm sorry, there used to be a gadget to show comments on Blogger, but it has disappeared.
Many students have not seen the comments. I understand you don't have time to scroll trough every blog post each day to find them.

But there is a page where you can see them all - please check it now and then:

2. The brief for the second team project is now available. The deadline is after five weeks, but the Easter holidays are in between.
The teams can work during Easter breaks only if all team members agree. Please note that there are two different Easter periods (see our Calendar).

Individually you can work whenever you want, but don't forget to relax in between.

Note that the deadline for the second project report is Wednesday 21th May. It can't be later, because we need one week for assessment and feedback discussions.

April 14th
One week ago Antti gave you feedback for team assignment 1 results on the blog. You were asked to give response to the feedback and also give feedback to other teams. Only ONE reaction. This is quite disappointing. I know you can do and deserve better!

It looks we have four teams for the second research project: Team Austria (with members of Team Germany) five members, Team Ireland five members, Team UK four members, Team Finland four members. We have 25 students, 18 have joined a team. Seven students out of teams, one more team needed! All teams should be made today, the brief for 2nd research project arriving tomorrow!
Team project two (Eurovision) teams and team members 

Another deadline today is Eurovision Timeline, the personal assignment. Input from some six students missing, please execute asap. Those of you who gave an early input: please go back to see what others have written. The sheet really makes sense, I think: together you have created a nice and diverse illustration of the development of popular music over more than 50 years.
Eurovision timeline 1956-2013

The third deadline of today is revealing your @twitterusername. Eight students still need to type it in on the sheet.
Participant details

Remember also the ongoing tasks:

If you are not sure what to do, check these blog pages:

If you are not sure how to do, check this:

April 8th

Antti has given feedback to all team project 1 research reports!
Antti's feedback is in form of comments after each entry on the blog.
Now its you time to participate in the discussion - comment also reports of teams you were not member of

I have published two new lessons on the blog. Please read and learn, also comment. (There are some very advanced Twitter heroes on this course. I wish they share some of their wisdom with us!)
Anastasia left this course to be able to manage her other commitments. She will still receive the materials of this course, her status is observer.
We thank Stacy for her contribution so far and wish her all the best!
Just wondering are there too many tasks and assignments on this course? I think not, but the first weeks have had a heavy work load to prepare the research projects. There is soon a two week eastern break and May is almost only about the second team research project and feedback. So please students try to hold on. We are almost in the goal!
Most students have now done almost everything.  Next week Monday three small deadlines, check to make sure you will not miss them.

April 4th

(Course email "more about team research projects" from EVA platform)

Team building for team project Eurovision seems to run lovely. I have started a new document in our folder "Team project two (Eurovision) teams and team members". Please fill in the data as soon as each team is complete.

The first team project needs some fixes, please execute:

1. Team members don't match in the document "Team project 1 teams and team members" and project reports on the blog for some teams. Please check and correct.

2. In my brief I forgot to ask you to add the label "Research report #1" to you blog posts. Please add. This enables us to see all reports on one page after I have made the "Quick Link".

3. Some of the pictures in some reports on the blog overlap with the content in the right column. Please change picture size from "Extra large" to "Large". (Or if you have a lot of spare time change the size of the original pics to match width of blog text column and use "Original size ;-)

Did I already mention I'm very happy with the student performance of this course so far?

A lovely weekend ahead at least in Finland. Don't forget to go out to observe the birds who have come back and the flowers (at least Tussilago Farfara) popping up!

April 2nd
(Course email #4 from EVA platform)
The first four weeks and many tasks and assignments are done! Also the first research project is completed by all but one team. Congratulations and thanks! Things look really good!
Here some new things to do, and at the end a reminder of duties announced earlier:

Personal Assignment #3
Now orientation to the second team research project starts. You will do some analysis about how Eurovision has developed and how it reflects society and especially media culture and technology. You will find the assignment on the blog.

Team building for research project #2
Please read the message I have posted on our Google Group today!

Share your Twitter user name
For team task #2 you are going to need a Twitter account. Don't worry, you don't necessarely have to produce content on Twitter, but you need it for data mining at least. If you don't find Twitter your cup of tea you can delete the account after the course. (But you are likely to find it useful and continue using it.)

On Friday I will post a lesson on the blog about micro-blogging (Twitter), so don't worry you are left alone to figure out what it is.
I think most of you are already familiar with this tool.

"Moderate a discussion"
Everybody should try moderating a discussion on our Google Group. If you are short on topic ideas, I give you one:
We have collected data on who uses what social media service on this course.

No-one can use them all in a purposeful way. And no-one has time to give them all a fare try. Why wouldn't we help each others on this course? Please consider starting a discussion of the cons and pros of one of them. Much appreciated by fellow students and professors!

Are you confused with all the duties of this course?
I can understand if you are. But don't worry, almost all tasks and assignments are now given. To have an overview look at the blog page for tasks and assignments, I have just rearranged it putting those expired on the bottom:

Also get an overview and update for your part the student progress monitor

Finally: Don't forget to add the value of the blog posts by fellow students and professors by commenting! (You deserve an extra plus for each comment that makes sense!)

March 17th
(Course email #4 from EVA platform)
On our Facebook coffee room wall I already expressed my admiration for the commitment of the students of this course. Things get however more serious now: you have two weeks to deliver your first team project report. All students are expected to contribute to the report of their team. Failure in this means dropping out. I wish you don't feel this is harsh - team project simply are like that; you are part of the team or not.

Normally you can compensate a task later. This is true for individual tasks. But you can't complete a team task solo. (This course is based on ideas of collaborative learning. I will write a blog post about collaborative learning soon.)

The first team project is now explained on the blog:

Some additional practical guidelines:

a) add details about your team on the document "Team project 1 teams and team members"

b) create a sub folder named "Your team name" in our course folder "EVA Social Media 2014"

c) create (at least) two documents in this folder you start working with:
"Research questions"
"Final report"
You work with these documents together. (It is unacceptable that one team members writes those documents solo and uploads in folder.)
If you are not familiar with collaborative work on Google Drive please read lessons 3 and 3b now.

The deadline for the final report to be found on our course blog is Friday March 28. (But if team agrees to work on weekend you can use that too, the reports will not be assessed before Monday March 31.)

So time is short: I suggest the teams start latest tomorrow. Everyone should be a team member today.

Good luck!

March 12th
(On Google Groups)
Group task #1: Build teams for team project 1
Now we really get into the business, team project 1. But before starting next Monday, we must have teams:
- four to five members in each team
- at least one business student and at least one media student in each team

There are two options to do this: I make the teams and choose their topics or you choose your topic and team mates.

We will try the second option until next Monday. If teams are ready then we will go with them, if not, Antti and I will finish the task.

What to do?
You may:
a) start a new topic on this forum and give it a subject like: "Invitation to team graphic design" and invite people to join your team. It is a good idea to look at the detail sheet and introductions of the candidates if you get more applicants to your team than you can take
b) wait and see if other students invite you to interesting teams

But: All students will moderate a discussion on this course, sooner or later. If you open a discussion about a team now, you are done with this task.

What will the teams do?
The teams will do a research project and publish a two-page report on our blog. Teams first choose three to five enterprises, associations or other players in their field who use social media for their promotion and/or other purposes. Then they analyse their use of social media and compare it with use of traditional web site and print media. More instructions on Monday.
The key question is now to choose the type of enterprises to analyse. Previous types have been graphic design companies, movies, music festivals, book publishers etc.

Ready to start?

Questions? In replies to this message, without changing the subject!

March 11th
First my apologizes if you feel I'm throwing too much stuff on you. I just want to get this course on track to see you working and relax myself.
The first week has been amazing, you have been cooperating lovely. Here's a summary of the present state:

1. What has been done

  • You have all filled in the personal data file.
  • You have all accepted the invitation to the blog.
  • 19/27 students have accepted the invitation to our Facebook coffee room. If you have not done that yet, please go now to: and join us
  • 15/27 students have introduced themselves on the blog. Deadline is March 14, so no worries if you have not done that yet.

I have published five lessons for you on the blog. Please scan trough them if you are familiar with the content (also nice if you add to the content in comments) and if the content is new to you read carefully.
(I have added the label "Introduction" to the end of six student introductions. The students who didn't add the label themselves should read with special attention lesson 2b on the blog ;-)

The Kick-off was on YouTube on Thursday - you might want to have a look at it at (sorry, we used TAMK YouTube first time ;-)

2. New today: The Google Drive Folder "EVA Social Media 2014"
I have added you as editor to this folder and the documents in it.
It is our workshop, and you will prepare you projects in the sub folders of it later. At the moment there are three documents for you to give input to:

2a: "Participant details"
This is the output of the on-line form. You are welcome to edit your details if you like to.

2b: "Student progress monitor" (Individual task #3)
Here you add a "1" on your row for each column when you have finished a task or an assignment. This is to make Antti's and my life easier and to enable us to rate you correctly at the end.
To keep this document up to date is your individual task #3 and it is ongoing with deadline on May 28.

2c: "What Social Media Services do we use" (Individual task #4)
During this course we can learn from each other which social media services and platforms are useful for our different needs.
To get an overview of services used by our community, please report what you use or have tried.
This is your individual task #4 with deadline next Monday March 17.

3. New today: You are the blog administrator!
If you go to our blog now, you can see that something is different: you see the tool icons all over the place.
This is because you are now the blog administrator. You can now not only edit your stories and comment stories by others - but do what ever occurs on your mind.
Please don't delete the blog though, we need it very much!

The reason you must have admin authority is that to complete one task and one assignment you must be able to give input to two pages: "Blogs" and "Library"

4. Individual task #5: Add items to the library
Sharing links relevant to this course is suitable activity in our FB coffee room, but really: Facebook is good for many things, but it is not a database. So please share the best links related to our course and upcoming projects at:
is ongoing with deadline on May 28

5. Personal assignment #2 - your blog
This assignment is very easy for those of you already having blogs: you just add the url of your blog on:

If you don't have a blog create one. You can start your real blog or do it sectretly just for this course. Just go to or any other blog service and do it. (On Blogger you only have to decide the name and template and you will be up and running in 15 seconds.)
If you don't have any ideas what your blog should be about just make it your learning diary of this course.
Deadline: Friday March 21

6. Your Internet Minute
You have been monitoring your Internet usage for one week now (Individual task #2).
Tomorrow I will invite you to a discussion about your findings.

7. What's next?
- You will be invited on our course Google Group
- I will explain team project 1
- You will start building teams for team project 1

Next Monday:
- Teams ready to go (Team Project #1), detailed istructions to teams

March 5th

EVA Social Media Course 2014 e-mail #2

1. The Blog is open
All students who have filled in the form sent on Monday:
have been invited to the blog. If you have not done this yet, hurry up please.

2. The first assignment
is published on the blog.

3. The first two lessons
of the course are published on the blog

4. Welcome to the on-line kick-off
of the course on Thursday 6th March at 15:00 (3pm) Finnish and Romanian time at:
(If you are at Finlayson campus that time you are welcome to join us at Titan, 4th floor.

The estimated duration of the session is 20 minutes.

March 3rd

EVA Social Media Course 2014 e-mail #1

Dear all
Welcome to the spring 2014 European Virtual Academy (EVA) course "Social Media in Communication and Community building!

The actual kick-off hosted by Antti and me will be next Thursday March 6th on YouTube 3pm (15:00) Finnish and Rumanian time (2pm Central European Time).
You will get a separate invitation to the session before, check your email. (And if you can't attend this live show don't worry, we will record it.)

And now the first two assignments of the course:

Course individual task 1: Your Google account and interests

We will work most of the time on Google platforms. To get into business we need from you the email address you prefer to use with Google. If you don't have a Google account yet, it's time to create it. If you need help ask

Please print you gmail address on the form you will find at:

There's more to fill: to support us in team building for the first team project information about professional orientation and hobbies are valuable; for the second (and last) team project we need to know what languages are understood by the participants. You will hear about the projects later.

Course individual task 2: Your Internet minute

What happens on the internet in one minute? You can get an idea about what happens on internet e.g. at:

But what does your Internet minute look like? And why?
Please observe over this week and over the weekend what you do online. A rough presentation is enough, you don't have to do statistics about every minute.
My quick and dirty report of my Internet minute - just to give an example - is as follows:

  • email 10 seconds
  • Google Drive documents 10 seconds
  • Twitter 10 seconds
  • Google Play Music 6 seconds
  • Facebook 5 seconds
  • LinkedIn 5 seconds
  • Photographs (Dropbox, Google+, Facebook) 5 seconds
  • Google Hangout 3 seconds
  • News 5 seconds
  • Football news and live audio/video streams 10 seconds
  • Other 5 seconds

This makes my minute more than 60 seconds. But so it is: when I sit in a bus I listen to my favourite music and read email; when I follow the audio reference on Hull City football games I also follow the Twitter stream of the game and monitor the scores of other games on BBC football page.
Next week we will invite you to a discussion about our Internet minutes.

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