How to restore order?
Sometimes you might get really frustrated with software not working properly. You do everything right but things are not happening the way they should, You double check everything, do everything right and no result.
One of the most popular annoying situations with Blogger is that pics don’t appear where they should. You put the cursor where you want the pic, use the add image function, and the photo pops up on top of the story. You start moving the pic and create a mess. You start everything again and no positive feedback to your effort.
The way to address this problem is to close the post, then open it again, and it works.
On every course I use Blogger there is at least one student who can’t access the dashboard in the beginning by accepting the invitation. The fix is in most cases that the user logs out from Google, then logs in again. Then everything works fine.
Logging out and in again is also the fix if you are not able to see the edit button of a page to add content. This happened to one of the students of this course last week. You can find more details about this in our Google Group.
A general rule for putting all rebelling cloud software to order is to shut down the situation and start again - exactly like restarting the PC is most often best way to manage the computer.
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