Would it be a good idea to use Twitter as your main search engine?
Not really. But if you want to follow the current discussion about some topic you find the Google search engine pretty useless. Twitter again brings you the most recent arguments and news on the floor.
You can see the difference on the screenshots below. Google is powerful if you want to know about Motion Graphics in general. But if you want to know what is happening right now around Motion Graphics, Twitter is the service to use.
Google (above) gives you 50M links - too many to find fresh discussions. Twitter (below) shows the jobs available, takes you to the conferences running right now and lists the most recent industry news.
So services like Google and Twitter are both better search tools the same way bikes and trains are both more useful in satisfying specific transportation needs. You just have to identify the right tool for the job.
Also please note that the Twitter search offers two handy options not introduced in Part 2 of this lesson:
All people/People you follow The latter is very handy if you remember one of the persons you follow (or yourself) has tweeted something important on the topic but you don't remember who and/or when. (Maybe you have not faced this problem yet, but don't worry; you will start forgetting things sooner or later.)
Everywhere/Near you gives you the option of searching globally or in your neighbourhood.
The lesson about Twitter, parts 1-5:
1. A general news channel (lists) published on April 7
2. A specific news channel (basic searches, using #)
3. A better search engine than Google? (this story)
4. A massive database (upcoming)
5. Teleportation machine and collaborative notebook (upcoming)
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